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5 to 15 minutes a day for 30-days
to a better LinkedIn profile. 

Optimise your LinkedIn profile, and kick start your job search strategy in just minutes a day. Propelled by the power and encouragement of a Master Resume Writer, everyone can do it.

Every day for 30 days, you'll get an email with a task that will take between 5 and 15 minutes to do. Each email will tell you what to do and what not to do, as well as why and how to do each task. As you do each task, you learn more and more about how the system works. 

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Your Order

30-Day Linkedin Challenge
$19.95 AUD

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30-Day Linkedin Challenge
$19.95 AUD

You'll also receive our monthly planner so you can keep track of your efforts and marvel at how far you've come.
A calendar planner is a great form of encouragement!

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Stand out from the crowd.

Most people on LinkedIn don't do a great job with their profiles. They  know they should do it, but don't exactly know why, and can't figure out how the whole thing works. We'll show you how to get excited about your LinkedIn as you add your personality, make new connections, and show off your skills in just a few minutes a day. No stress, no angst, no boredom. Just five to fifteen minutes a day for thirty days. Join the 30-day Linkedin challenge now!

A smarter, faster way to get LinkedIn working for you.

No one likes going to a training course after a hard day at work. It’s annoying. It’s tiring. It’s inefficient. 

Thankfully, Master Resume Writer, Gayle Howard, has created the 30-Day LinkedIn Challenge. No more weekends disappearing as you sit through video training, and wonder where you should start first. Just one email every day with one task to complete and quick run down of why it's important and how to do it. Every day you'll see your efforts improve your profile so you can be seen by the people critical to your job search. 



Here's how it works:

Step 1

When you click on the Buy Now button, you'll be guided to pay.

Step 2

Once you've paid you'll receive your Welcome email the first email of your 30-day challenge. 

Step 3

Sign in to your LinkedIn profile and in 5 minutes later, task 1 will be done. Do some work and play and be back tomorrow for task 2!  


The best way to conduct a job search

Tell your story on LinkedIn to create a bond with your audience. The statistics are clear. 
94 percent

LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook or Twitter

80 percent

6 people are hired via LinkedIn each minute

80 percent

There are over 65 million business decision-makers on LinkedIn

If you're serious about your job search, LinkedIn is the place to be. 

In 30 days, you can see your efforts yielding results.
Are you ready to take that that challenge?

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Your Order

30-Day Linkedin Challenge
$19.95 AUD

We’ll send your receipt and notifications here.


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30-Day Linkedin Challenge
$19.95 AUD
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